
Vedica is a new Vancouver based delivery service that embraces natural, organic and Vegan lifestyles. Our goal is to provide the abundance that contemporary eating has always afforded by acting as a third party between the customers and the various grocers and markets strewn throughout the lower mainland.
Though dietary trends have become more accepting of vegan alternatives over the years the availability of such items, especially packaged products is still limited from market to market. As a company we network with grocers and farmers big and small throughout the lower mainland in order to provide the freshest and most optimal choices for our patrons. Giving them the ability to choose their provider through our web and app based service.
Grocery delivery service is a far cry from a new concept, however, no other service of it’s type in the lower mainland caters specifically to those with dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices. Our service is not exclusive to anyone market and instead chooses to work with multiple sources to assure abundance for our loyal customers. The grocers we choose to work with believe in our mantra of transparency and that honesty about where or how our products are produced is the forefront of our concerns. In todays environment where the possibility of food scarcity or contamination we see to it that our customers can rest easy knowing that they have an honest service that can provide for them.


Vedica is a delivery company that is known for the quality of the produce it obtains from BC farmers, as well as the convenience of its services to the people of British Columbia. To best appeal to an audience of young families the advertising was kept straight to the point, advertise what we do best. Each ad consists of of the key elements to the service, Vedicas uniquely designed delivery vehicles. From travelling through the fruit orchards of the Okanagan, displaying a van overflowing with quality produce, to a delivery vehicle showing up to you as fast as you ordered it. This straight forward and honest approach will appeal to an audience that expects the truth more than anything when it comes to personal wellness.